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advantages and disadvantages of matriarchy

advantages and disadvantages of matriarchy

". Daniel Defoe, Edgar Alan Poe was educated there. They have somehow made democracy work but even this is getting undermined all the time. You made the point about Hitler and the Nazis. The reason being, is that women are not as competitive as men and will lose out in any very competitive system. To rise to power within a female only political system would require being just as competitive and ruthless as in anywhere else. Women have never done anything like this. Where have I said that? It sounds like you just have an image in your head of what a woman should be like and that's what you compare your picture of men with. Or they can vote for a Matriarchal party and allow caring and nurturing women to rule instead. This seems to be an overall trend of socio-historical development, which stems from few very basic aspects of human nature. Multiculturalism can also be beneficial for companies. Here's the funniest part of it all: You are actually disqualifying your opinion with your sexism thereby making a case against your own argument rather than for it. Consumers can benefit from lower prices and better quality goods and services due to the competitiveness of the firms. There has been found evidence that contridict all of these firmly held beliefs, that women of those times not only brought forth children but also hunted both small and big game, and were also gatherers and inventors, that sculpted figurines and did cave paintings. I agree that women are, in general, less interested in warfare. Nice toys may make your day better. I've had to suffer and bust my ass off to prove myself worthy of every little damn thing I have and it has never been enough for anyone in my life other than my damn self! Sexism is. "At present female politicians have to join patriarchal political parties and prove themselves to be macho men to be taken seriously. The Feminist idea that women need to learn to be as aggressive and competitive as men is nuts. If females didnt have a powerful maternal instinct to do this most animals would go extinct. It annoys me to when people suggest that feminine men/masculine women are simply "not being true to themselves", which is bullsh*t. I don't think that gender is biological, and if a man were to ask Ellen Degeneres to "not be ashamed of expressing her feminine side", I am almost certain he would have his face rearranged, or at least be given a stern lecture on diversity and transphobia. "I am not painting a patriarchal picture of women i am painting a biological one. Socialization of children. Alternatives must be more seriously embraced! People vote the most convincing actor or actress. But the same mentality still there, men do not fight for power with swords but with words. This change would be challenging the established doctrines of masculine dominance over women. William Bond (author) from England on July 18, 2012: The story of Rosalind Elsie Franklin was revealed in a science BBC TV show some years ago, here in Britain, and revealed Crick and Watson for the crooks they were. Given that humans are inherently non-violent and given that violence is inversely proportional to your social status, that would suggest that men's greater tendency to violence is largely circumstantial and not inherent in being male (you're not violent either are you?). Don't you even feel a little bit silly that you're a man yourself when you say these things? Why would I? Matriarchy is not this perfect utopia, but it is a society that is based upon the well-being of all life on earth and is a vision worth striving for even if it brings me great suffering. On the other side, patriarchy promotes monotheism. So why would women do a far better job in ruling our world than men? Patrirchal politics is very complicated mostly because it is a propaganda war, where different men fight for power by trying to convince the public of a certain point of view. Men have the intellegence to be able to fly men to the moon, but is incapable of solving basic problems like warfare and poverty. It has to live in its pristine form. All the matriarchal societies of the Neolithic age was destroyed by violent conquest. All I am saying that women have a maternal instinct and men have a competitive instinct. Where is your peer reviewed research that tells you this? But there you're forgetting that this has been argued many times before and has lead to disaster pretty much every time - much greater disaster than the current system has brought upon us. You, a man, decides that men are naturally not suited to be in decision making positions. Women know this too. In the end if we want a peaceful world then we need far, far more women in positions of power, thoughout the world. I think I've learned about wild animals. both men and women can be be corrupt when given power, therefore it makes no difference who's in charge. This as well, should be supported by valid points, and the daily . The consequences are premarital sex, teenage pregnancies, abortion, extramarital sex, divorce, children with single parents, depression, suicide, etc. This is why in any dispute, a matriarchal government is far, far more likely to talk it through than any patriarchal government. And though these are considered mythological cities there is like Troy a possiblilty they existed once, as there is an equal possiblity that modern day humans may be far older than science claims we are, studies such as forbidden science and archeology are of high interest, due to the fact that they indicate that science has not only been transformed into an instituionalized orthodoxy of cherished theoretical beliefs, but it also indicates that it refuses to embrace alternative possiblities and the fact that their theories about the world, the universe, and humankind could indeed be very wrong. If you're so ashamed of your sex, I'm very sorry but that's your problem. Men who are violent beasts, constitute a tiny minority of the male population. Yes, I know. Patriarchy was not created when patriarchal tribes conquered the peaceful matriarchal Neolithic civilizations. I am currently 22 years old and never in my life have I ever been in a romantic relationship with a woman, I can only imagine how long it will take for me before I truly find a mate! This is exactly the same thing as racism or antisemitism or any other hate filled bigotry. ". These are questions that need to be asked. Can be a lengthy and noisy procedure. yes i agree but like you have said the women already in politics tend to have to go about it in a very male way to fit in, what we need is for a female only party to be set up were there are no male members to allow women to freely behave as women in the party. Repeating the same fallacy over and over again does not make it any more convincing. . Besides, women already do the biggest part in shaping men. It is very true what you say about the differences in the sexes - how males are naturally more aggressive - im not saying all males but in general males are. Again, repeating a statement doesnt make it right. And we are going to have a very unfair world as the rich will compete against the poor for more wealth and power. They might be caring as well but that is coincidental. When a man kills his child, we put him in prison and call him a monster. William Bond (author) from England on June 11, 2012: Thank you Aincas, for your positive feedback. And I see no reason to believe that a female leader with a military at her disposal would feel averse to using it. As members of an official ethnic minority, Khasis have many privileges: the Khasi Hills Autonomous District Council protects their laws, taxation is lower than elsewhere in India, land is set aside for their use in tribal zones, and a quota system operates for higher education and civil service jobs. As for harnessing the potential productivity and protectiveness in men, how about harnessing that within everyone whether they are heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, or asexual, woman or man? I know men are good at blaming it on the Devil or other men and some even have the cheek to blame women. Actually human males care about a million times more about their offspring than almost all other species. Then only on paper would women rule the world and only as long as men, the actual ones in power, allow it. We've been through that and I've explained my position before. It is only women with their maternal instincts that can make our world a better place, if they are allowed to rule. Nowadays, we also see similar behaviour in a rugby scrum, or American football scrimmage. - Quora Answer (1 of 18): This is going to be an emotionless analysis done from an alien's perspective. The majority of rulers in history have had untold wealth, while the majority of people live in poverty, and at one time slavery was commonplace. Wiki User 2014-06-11 21:43:24 Study now See answer (1) Best Answer Copy The advantages is that they are strong because one. That is what happens when we believe women are somehow less violent than men, and are not willing to hold women accountable when they are violent. Their precepts aim to meet everyone's needs with the greatest benefit. You have no idea the number of news stories I read where a woman who murders her own children doesn't even serve a day in prison, because we externalize her bad act and blame it on anyone but her. Improves the effectiveness of data exchange. So things could be a lot worse. In the west, we already have a partial matriarchy with respect to the base unit of society--the black community in the US, where over 70% of children are raised without fathers. (embryologist). William Bond (author) from England on August 17, 2011: I am shocked and amazed at what you say. William Bond (author) from England on August 21, 2011: As I have previously pointed out, matriarchy cannot get into power through a bloody revolution or through conquest. That is complete bullshit, and it disrespects and dishonors the real daughters of mother's who were raised in Matriarchal households! It believes in maintaining balance among the sexes as highlighted in feminism. The focus of most females is to bring the young into the world and to care and look after them, until they can fend for themselves. "on the whole I have personally found women to be a lot nicer people than men.". I mean, what would you change about the current democratic system of the Western developed countries? Refresh the page, check Medium 's site status, or find something. There is no sense of justice or fairness in this, it is always, the winner takes it all. There are still a variety of risks involved in using an MRI scan despite its overall beneficial use. All patrairchal goverments teach men to be tough, ruthless and macho. Yes, men have created democracy and tried to create equal societies and tried to stop wars, but what is very noticeable, is how they have failed in this. Therefore all men are peaceful. The big problem with this argument is that it is not true, men and women can never be the same, because women have children and men dont. That motivation and competitiveness is a function of men *having to prove themselves self-sufficient, competent, and more useful and worthy than the next guy* in order to pursue a mate. At present female politicians have to join patriarchal political parties and prove themselves to be macho men to be taken seriously. I'm sure you can find a way to blame that lack of maternal instinct on men, though. Lengthy formalities The insurance claims usually have lengthy legal formalities. If you believe you are less valuable than a woman, fine too. However that all depends how you define Matriarchy doesn't it, among us Native American Indians a Matriarchy is a society that lives in harmony with Mother Nature; with the Earth, with animals, with each other, and with the cosmos. If the world is really so bad, then go and live by yourself but don't sit here enjoying the accomplishments of civilization every day while hating on them. It is very difficult to blame the violence of our world onto women as well as men, when women commit less than 1% of this violence. Enjoy your matriarchy.". I think what needs to be done is more infromation such as the articles you have written to be more widley avaliable and for more people to be able to read and be educated about this to get more people thinking about it. It shows the scope of modern research on matriarchy. Hope, the Advantages & Disadvantages of MS Access listed above helps you choose the right version of MS Access. Or will you 'forget' it and misquote me in a few days time anyway? All the team members can share their ideas and distribute . Men in power have been involved in these wars. Actually women have an easier time because of quota initiatives. I know you will advocate that men and women rule together equally. Men are far more brutal and violent because of their competitive and aggressive instincts. I will not reply to any of your comments, you do not deserve it. Her murder "effectively marked the downfall of Alexandrian intellectual life." I personally think that the way to counter patriarchal propaganda is not for women to deny their maternal instincts and try and pretend they are like men. Patriarchy: What advantages and disadvantages has the Patriarchy done for society? Most definitions have highlighted the unequal distribution of power between men and women. I find it incredible that you question the statement, "war is total insanity". By your logic, this statement would also be true; There have been great periods of peace during history. If that is the case, why would women do a better job at ruling the world? Furthermore, this system is quite liberal to research, development, and change. In the whole history of warfare only a small handful of women have joined in this insanity. It is also theorized that some of the earliest socities like Atlantis, Lemuria, and Mu were possibly Matriarchal-Egalitarian societies, they were also said to be technologically advance beyond their time. And if they know that a child will destroy their career prospects, then we can understand why women do have abortions. Once more, I did not say men and women are the same. They're not of course. You didnt have any responses to my points back then and you probably wont have any now either, (unless you consider repeating yourself a response). I am not that interested in systems, i am more interested in people. I would agree that it would be a great idea to teach men to loving and caring human beings. Yes, I agree invention can be difficult for men, but it is even far harder for women. We should understand the manner in which these are different from one another. It's a successful way. Perhaps it is the patriarchal censorship that has suppressed ideas like this, but the internet is allowing this ideas to come to light. William Bond (author) from England on June 19, 2012: I agree that in our present patriarchal world, the way to be successful is to be ruthless and extremely competitive. The children get their names from their fathers. What i am trying to point out is that there is an alternitive that no one has tried and that is matrairchy. Those men were certainly capable of organized fighting, if they were capable of taking down a muskox. Afterward, the men proceeded to mutilate her, and finally burn her limbs. Men and women are different physically, mentally and emotionally. "It is true some human men do help with caring for the young". It is women maternal and nurturing instincts that would make women far better rulers of our world, as they would care far more about the people they rule, than male rulers. In other words, in male competition, there is no equality, and this has been the case in every society ruled by men. But it is still mostly black men who are the leaders of the black community. The societal issues of the human race are far too complex and fundamental to be anyone's "fault". This is why women would be far more sensible and sane rulers of our world, than what men would be. They are simply less likely to be motivated to overcome the hurdles involved, because over millennia, their reproductive success did not depend on their ability to self-differentiate from the collective in that way. Firstly, yes, things could be a lot worse and secondly you only count the bad things and ignore the good things which means youre biased. Aggression is just the willingness to take action and competitiveness is what drives the standard up. This is because most of the wealth and important jobs are in the hands of men. So can women. They are just as ruthless and corrupt. Women need to stop seeing men through rose tinted glasses and see them as they really are. Can improve confidence levels of minorities. If you were successful on the battle field then you were more likely to be king. This woman should be honored for her accomplishments, and I will do more research into her life in the future. Yes, there are very nice and decent men in our world as well as women who are not very nice people. However, in the year it took to clear your husband of any wrongdoing, he's become a stranger to the children. Supporters of. Women exercise control over their own bodies because they do not have control over their own bodies? The point is that as history shows us, we don't want ruthless, aggressive, violent and competitive people rule our world. If you want your procurement process to be as efficient as possible, it's best to invest in a P2P solution that provides integration with an ERP system. Is this anecdotal evidence, or actual evidence? So positive discrimination towards nurturing and maternal women is a very, very small price to pay, if it leads to us living a more caring and loving world. Your racist tones are pretty damn offensive, must be Western pride and arrogance for being in possession of technology that is currently responsible for destroying the planet and everything we depend on for survival. The point is that as history shows us, we don't want ruthless, aggressive, violent and competitive people rule our world.. We are the offspring of those who fought for their survival. You also completely ignore what competition is: the result of people wanting or needing something of which there isn't enough for everyone. What is the problem with Matriarchy? I would imagine women leaders trying to be fair and try to give men equality and even leadership roles. I amwell, I'd be insulted if I wasn't so used to it. Precisely! The researcher collects data at the time were needed. It's not as if matriarchal societies of the past were ones where men did not exist, or spent their days knitting and doing their nails. Most women who do this do it to acquire de facto physical custody of the children the man will then be prevented from contacting (there's your awesome maternal instinct, depriving children of a loving father), and to gain physical custody and control of the home and assets (there's your "women are not greedy like those awful men"). As you have pointed out patriarchal politicans only pretend to be caring people. "I personally do not deem all men are violent. The problem of all governments is the ability to govern all people and discriminating against all men would fail. We can see this behavior in sport. You want to put the demographic of people who can and often do run roughshod over other people, using the police and the state and the court system as their weapons, and whom no one (you, especially, it seems, since you'd excuse a woman's acid attack on another woman and place the blame for it elsewhere) wants to ever hold accountable, in charge? However, women are more risk-averse than men are. If you're going to judge half the human population, at least take all things into consideration. Wow. Women did not just sit on their ass and do absolutely nothing while leaving all the inventions and responsibilities to men, I have never in all my early ages of life believed that and I absolutely never will. As a matter of fact, I do feel along with many other women who seek to pursue careers in science, philosophy, engineering, or even in the gaming industry, pressured to prove myself; I feel the dire need to innovate and invent not to distinguish myself from anyone else but to actually make a difference in this world, as both a role model to humanity and a spiritual being. And there have been women inventors within the last century that have contributed to society and have made a difference. I cannot believe that the men ruling our world are actually going to change and see the errors of their ways and become nicer people. I believe these differences are the result of the different challenges, risks, costs and benefits men and women had to overcome in order to pass on genes. The human male is similar but human males fight with spears, swords, rifles, machine guns, field guns, rockets, aircraft and nuclear weapons. Violence in women against other women, against children, or against men should not come as a surprise, just like men's violence aginst women, children, and other men is of no surprise to me. 121. They did not require the system change to adapt to their preferences, because women are more likely to choose fields of study and vocation that involve organic and human systems. Blaming men as a gender for warfare without also giving them credit *as a gender* for virtually every single technological, medical and architectural advancement in the history of humankind iswell, it's hypocrisy. And yes, boys and men clearly are NOT free to express themselves; if they were, they would be able to wear skirts and dresses in public without shame, and wear slightly revealing clothes and Speedoes without being tainted with the gay label. The company can invest this profit to fund high capital research projects to bring more innovative products to the market. Don't you ever question this? It might interest you to know that acid attacks in places like Cambodia are mostly perpetrated by women, out of jealousy? Because society does not hold them accountable--even when they are overtly violent and anti-social--there is a further moral hazard in that they will actually be able to get away with more violence and competitiveness than men do before being called on it. The two systems have a major difference in their ideas about nature. They were filled with fit men capable of organizing into tactical units for the purpose of killing. But to point out that men do a really terrible job of ruling our world and that women because of their maternal and nurturing instincts would do a far, far better job. You can learn a new language in multicultural regions. You then have to ask yourself why are we allowing idiots like this rule and dominate our world? When mothers stay home with their children, their children will end up happier. He claims this means that men will always outnumber women in most positions of power in our world. Advantages (Pros / Positives / Benefits) of Monopoly Market. Patriarchy thinks in another way. Yes, as a man I would exclude myself from being a politician or Prime Minister, but I do not exclude myself in being able to think and say what is in my mind. So if we want change, then the obvious solution is to allow women to rule instead. Even if a political matriarchy was achievable in a democracy (which I don't think it is), it would depend on the entire rest of the world being peaceful to survive. Don't dodge the question. Which i personally cannot understand, because to me, on the whole, the sexes are very, very different from each other. I not only blame men I blame all of humanity and am pretty damn ashamed to walk this earth as a human being, at least if I was an animal I could leave this earth with a natural respect and dignity in spirit from my Grandmother the Earth, but as a human being I am forced to prove myself worthy of it, which is what I will dedicate my life in doing! Sure, I can't force you to respond and if you wish to continue preaching the same lines over and over again, I'm not here to stop you. How can you not expect women not to be violent in a violent male dominated society where violence is constantly glorified, by music, literature, and film, where everyday they turn on the news and that is all there ever is to report. It depends a lot of the individual man you are talking about, though on the whole I have personally found women to be a lot nicer people than men. It's not a "male way". When do you people ever tire of bashing men as little more than violent primitive animals best kept in a zoo? However, if woman believes that she does not need to conquor nature and needs only work alongside her in harmony with all life that surrounds her, then she will invent technology that reflects that. Women can indeed invent things. No patriarchy or matriarchy will fix that. If women are denied or discouraged to use birth-control, or if they know that if they have a child they are given very little support in bringing it up. Price Stability Due To Competitiveness. The problem is that men do a really terrible job in ruling our world and it should be obvious to everyone, that they are totally incapable of doing this. You cannot dismiss childbirth as being totally unimportant. Perpetrating your own violence entails accepting enormous risks. Women have not shown anything of the sort. The oligopoly market will have less competition, but the behavior of the firms can even be highly competitive. You may be able to impress your friends. Just as women would not feel motivated to feed the bloated, multi-billion dollar beauty industry if men had not evolved a preference for youth and beauty, men would not compete with other men for riches if women had not evolved a preference for a partner with the power, social status and the wealth to adequately provide for and protect her. So this means that while men ruled through violence and intimidation, patriarchy was the only option. It actually makes me throw up in my mouth a little. As for using violence as a calculated strategic method, psychopathic leader like Hitler or Stalin or just your local gang leader do use violence to achieve results. In many cultures, and particularly indigenous societies, the . And if we decide to become pacifists (as you seem to suggest), then our culture will be overwhelmed by those who aren't pacifist. It has been men who have ruled all our all our countries in that time, so if it has nothing to do with men, then whose fault is it? In a broader sense it can also extend to moral authority, social privilege and control of property. Not realising that if you have sexual equality, men will then compete with women for power and in that power struggle it seems that women lost. In some demographics, over 40% of pregnancies end in abortion. That sounds like a perfect Orwellian nightmare. Slight movement can ruin the image, requiring retesting. Maintaining balance among the sexes as highlighted in feminism control over their own bodies they! To point out is that there is n't enough for everyone to light on battle... You do not have control over their own bodies because they do not deem all would. Tells you this little more than violent advantages and disadvantages of matriarchy animals Best kept in a broader sense it can extend! Over and over again does not make it any more convincing rule our world lot nicer people than?. 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advantages and disadvantages of matriarchy

advantages and disadvantages of matriarchy